Legislative Session

Quaker Voice is now actively discerning priorities for the 2025 legislative session.

Stay tuned for an update on legislative priorities in January 2025!

Priority topics and partners:

Stay tuned!

List of House & Senate committees, including membership, that will be considering our priority bills; stay tuned for this to be updated for 2025!

Action Alerts

Stay tuned! Legislative session in Maryland starts on January 8th, 2025.

Image: Wikipedia

Bill Progress Updates & Upcoming Events

Week 1 (1/6 - 1/10)

Priority Bill Tracking Sheet

Stay tuned!

Quick Link Resources for Advocacy Work:

 Check out this Guidelines document created by the Maryland Association of Counties; helpful information includes when testimony is due broken down by Senate and House committees.

Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform shared this workshop presentation as part of 2023 advocacy training; provides helpful background on the General Assembly process, how to use the bill website, and how to advocate in support of a bill.